Thursday, October 8, 2009

When at The Midway Art Gallery i can across an interesting video titled "Sternchnuppe(shooting star) by Michael Sailstorfer. its an exciting video full of suspense. It was made in 2002 with a Mercedes 123 a street light, aluminum, elastic rubber and electricity. Mush like all of his work Sailstorfer use alot of influence from his home country of Bavaria. He is know for his sculptures that have a resemblance to "do it yourself" construction while he works with professionals for some of his pieces. He is well know for his strange machines like the one above. Sternchnuppe is giant slingshot on the top of a car that shoots a streetlight. Sailstorfer wants to show the endless struggle of the human effort to create order ultimately produces disorder. Sterchnuppe works like many of his other works in that they are always more then a piece of art they are almost a living thing. In doing his piece he wants to invoke the senses of the viewer, for example the Sterchnuppe is showing the destruction of the piece and you see and hear it . also in the piece Zeit ist keine Autobahn the wheel rubs the wall creating a smell of burning rubber the play with the nose of the viewer. he wants to show that art isn't only visual its all of the senses together. in every piece it seems that Sailstorfer puts all of his heart into, its like he feel a connection to the art by relating it to his home land. He wants to show the real and raw materials that are used in each piece. All of his pieces seem simple but the are all intricate pieces of technology as well as art. Each piece has a emotion that has to be felt, like in Sterchnuppe you feel so hopeful for it to keep going and fly away until your hopes are thrown to the sides as is crashes to the ground.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start, and I appreciate the research you did into the artist and his work. It is awfully short, though, and feels as though you could have done a lot more description of the piece. If I hadn't seen the video I wouldn't even know what happens in it from this description, or why it is suspenseful, or what the pay-off is, or what questions it raises, etc. When I first saw the video I assumed the glowing orb of the streetlight was the sun in the sky until it was shot - I assume this relates to the title. Did you have the same experience?

    Remember - you must cite your research, either with citations or by making hyperlinks to your sources.
